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Text of love poem 

I'm still figuring out how to use stuff. 😅

Text of the poem reads:

Have I knelt at the altar of your beauty before?
Have I sucked dew from your skin and slept in your shade?

Petal by petal, my fingers trace the world in your skin
And you are as a cherry blossom tree;
blooming after many winters.

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Hi I am a big goof and wrote a love poem.

I like it but also my situation is not one where I should really necessarily be exchanging love poems right now. So, y'all get a secret poem till I'm ready to give it to them.

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twitter from a physio about ME/CFS 

suggestions from a physiotherapist about reasonable things that physiotherapy *can* actually do for ME/CFS when the topic isn't monopolised by the ascientific Graded Exercise Therapy. the suggestions are practical stuff about establishing patient baseline activity, diagnosing dysautonomic factors and so on (none of it is curative in itself, which is what the BSP clique claims about GET):

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We know you're hiring, shut up about it. Everybody's hiring. If you're hiring, it's because you sucked at valuing your employees.

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I've never been in a poly relationship but I imagine that means multiple people can borrow your hoodies now

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hi fedi it's been 20 days since my last toot (about drinking water) and I'd like to inform everyone that I've indulged in the consumption of many more beverages (including more water) since

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pro-tip: if you ever get a link that you don't trust, add a "+" to the end of the URL so you can be taken to the info page instead

e.g.: ->

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i wanna help queer people learn how 2 hackig and server maid tbh

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I've been reading a lot about how color terms differ between languages and how that effects people's ability to differentiate and remember colors based on what language they speak. It kind of makes me want to create a constructed language that's only used to express color terms and see if it affects how I think about and see color.

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i cannot express my fucking schadenfreude at every boss shitting themselves at the revelation that dangling life and death over others was not the trump card they thought

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Just finished the local PBS station’s documentary on the Minneapolis Co-Op wars, telling the story of how the booming co-op grocery scene in the 1970s was almost torn apart by a fight between organic food idealists and communist organizers. Really fun and informative:

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anyone know any data archivists that might have a copy of the Intel OpenCL Runtime for Linux, version 14.2? the link on intel's website does not work and i cannot find it elsewhere

the 2013 sdk would probably also suffice (i have a filename for that one, "intel_sdk_for_ocl_applications_2013_xe_sdk_3.0.67279_x64.tgz")

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Essential viewing for anyone who does stuff with electricity I think!

How to use your trashy meter without blowing it up (much)

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"If somebody robs a store, it's a crime and the state is all set and ready to nab the criminal. But if somebody steals from the commons and from the future, it's seen as entrepreneurial activity and the state cheers and gives them tax concessions rather than arresting them. We badly need an expanded concept of justice and fairness that takes mortgaging the future into account."

—Ursula Franklin, 22 years ago, on our societal tendency of flat out ignoring and even explicitly rewarding negative externalities

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Today a friend and I stopped by crossbones graveyard by London bridge.

It started off as a place to burry undisirables who couldn't be burred in concocrated graves.

Today it stands as a monument garden to people.

The railings are tied with ribbons and keepsakes for people on the outskirts of life with few to morn them.

There is a ceremony held on the 23rd of each month to memorialise and honour these people.

In a place of souless redevelopment it shines as a beacon to the soul of the city. A genuinely sacred place in the urban.

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ASD information requested 

so my dad fixed my computer so i'm trying to go back to using it but after not using it for 1,5 months the screen makes me seasick

i think it has to do with visual sensory overload, i did everything i could think off, from turning the brightness down to the minimum to minimizing my browser window but nothing seems to be helping

i've had decent sleep, decent food, checked all those boxes

does anyone with ASD (self diagnosed included) has ever experienced this? did you found something that can help, i'm getting desperate after trying for 3 days straight with no positive results, i feel so guilty towards my dad who put so much effort and money into fixing my desktop which i know can not use anymore

when i look online all i can find is BS about how too much screen-time causes ASD

which ARGH

please help me find a solution to deal with this, please

boosts highly appreciated <3

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