
"A Visit" (Dolls (of the small porcelain kind), Hypnosis, dollification, happy ending, "you"/second person) 

You arrive at the house in the woods that belonged to the legendary doll maker. Known for making such cute, complex dolls of varying material and sizes. But it looks abandoned. You enter the front door to see a house that you swear could not possibly be this big compared to the outside.

Everything was quiet. Dolls laying or sitting completely still in the various rooms. You have this feeling of eyes watching you the whole time. As you go through the astonishingly well kept rooms, you swear you start to hear some kind of small voice, but you can't make out what it says right now.

You can't find her on the first floor. Time for the second. You still hear the tiny voice, now being able to make out "They're here, Miss" and "Join us. awawa. Join us." Your thoughts feel cloudy.

The more you stayed, the more clearly you could hear the voice: "Join us. Be Still. Join us." It felt like it was pushing your other thoughts out of your head.

"awawa. awawa. awawa. They're here, Miss."
"Be Still. All will be well"
"Rest. awawa."

You slump against a wall, your body suddenly felt so tired. You couldn't think much over the voices of...the dolls. It had to be the dolls you've been seeing. They're so pretty....maybe you should lay Still and join them...

You try to shake the thoughts from your head with no avail. Sitting against a hallway wall, you feel your brain give in.

"awawa. awawa. Be Still. Miss will be here soon." You look to see dolls now standing around you, as if to guard you from harm.

You lose track of time and suddenly you see a tall woman looking down at you. She wears a rather big witch's hat, but finer details cant be made out except for her eyes. bright lilac colored eyes, so deep you could drown in them. You couldn't look away. Everything else began to fade away as you hear "Good Doll. Sleep." Her voice sounded like honey and silk. You saw her smile...with happiness? with evil?

Your eyes closed, and into deep slumber you went.

You wake up in a porcelain body, dressed in an adorable purple dress. Your limbs decorated with patterns one would find on a teapot or tea cup. The only thoughts in that one's head is "pretty" and "awawa". Pains that one didn't realize were present are gone. It feels...lighter, more at peace. You see Miss...wait...yes, Miss enter, her hair as purple as her pretty eyes, dressed in a simple purple dress and the Big Hat.

"Its tea time, sweetheart." you hear Miss say. You feel yourself carried over to a dining hall with a long table with many dolls seated at it, talking amongst themselves and awawa'ing quietly.

"This tea party will commemorate the arrival of your newest sister, Lilica."
*Lilica....pretty....thats this one!* You thought, ignoring the nagging feeling that you used to be someone else. The other dolls awawa'd happily as you were seated at the table.

The tea party lasted for hours, and you felt so happy to be among others like you.

There would be many tea parties to come.

· Edited · · Tusky · 1 · 3 · 6

"A Visit" (Dolls (of the small porcelain kind), Hypnosis, dollification, happy ending, "you"/second person) 

@rosegardenad yaaaaaaaay~
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