Viral disease, covid 

For my recent inactivity in posting...
We've been extremely sick with rotavirus for weeks. Made me reflect on how we forgot that other diseases even exist with the corona. Even more arguments on how hygiene and protection are important in densely populated society. Wear masks!

That's the community which organised it. I am not a member of the org team, but decided to lend a hand. If you're Russian-speaking person in Germany, can recommend them, they are a nice and helpful group!

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CN violence, queermisia 

Here's the text with exhibition's description. German and Russian language, sadly no English.

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CN violence, queermisia 

The exhibits are shadows of instruments used to commit violence on queer people. Pretty grim stuff :/
But also important to expose this violence against us, if we want change

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Was busy all day today helping setting up a queer gallery exhibition about violence on queer people.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.